Women of strength who overcame failure

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They say failure is the road to reaching your goals. Moreover failure must act as a trigger and motivate you towards greater effort. Everyone at some point of their lives will deal with failure but they key is how you deal with adversity that determines the outcome of your business.

Rania Habiby Anderson author of Undeterred: The Six Success Habits of Women in emerging economies, spent four years researching and interviewing more than 250 successful career women and entrepreneurs in developing countries in Asia, Africa, Middle-East and Eastern Europe.

What makes these women remarkable despite their tough circumstances?

Lets look at the 6 habits of successful female entrepreneurs who made it while other women failed.

Habit 1. Be Undeterred

Habit 2. Prepare

Habit 3. Focus

Habit 4. Accelerate

Habit 5. Integrate

Habit 6. Lead

Rania’s research shows us that although its different countries and different cultures but the obstacles these women face in emerging economies are the same. The traits to overcome them as well are similar: It takes resilience and persistence.

“Regardless of where someone lives, their gender or how difficult and environment may be, an entrepreneur with the right mindset, skills and network can overcome or work around any obstacle in their way.”

More importantly, from success stories we know one crucial aspect is not to give up. To bounce back from rejection. Reaching your goals doesn’t happen overnight, some of most strong women entrepreneurs today have been rejected or fired several times in their lives but did not allow that to affect them instead saw it as a stepping stone to achieving their goals. 

International Women’s day, was an opportunity for us to celebrate the women working their way up and for us to be inspired to learn and grow from this. Today, women entrepreneurs are bridging the gap of the social and economic challenges that we face in society.

Undeterred, contains stories of 89 women from 29 countries however what makes the book different are the stories about women from emerging countries. Additionally, contains actions that women can take to become more effective at the workplace especially when the lack the opportunities and resources in their economy.

Whether you are starting a new venture or kicking off your career keep these leading examples in mind to continue with a good work ethic and enthusiasm despite setbacks along the way. 



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