Meditation for Productivity

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Meditation brings you inner peace. It helps clear all the clutter in your thoughts. Meditation has brought about positive changes for many.

What is Meditation?

In simple terms it is practicing stillness, allowing you to be in a peaceful state of mind.

Meditating in the morning before starting the day works best and calms your inner thoughts.

In the midst of pressure from work, relationships and the hard times which we all have endured, finding your 'inner stillness' helps a lot.

What are the benefits & traits of Mediation?

1.More focused
2.Helps you relax
3.Boosts your creativity
4. Keeps you balanced
5.Improved self-control

Words from Russell Simmons book has been so encouraging to practice meditation and yoga. Once you do you feel connected to yourself you can connect with others better.As he says

"Traits that will transform you not only internally but also transform your relationship with the world."

The best way is to focus on my breathing in a quiet place sitting on a yoga mat. The key is to be consistent and have patience to practice daily.




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